HOME > mice > Ctsk-KO mice

Strain Detail: Ctsk-KO mice

Strain information
Resource No. nbio367
Strain name Ctsk-KO
Strain Nomenclature
Common name/Synonyms
Strain types mutant
Background strain C57BL/6N
Institution Laboratory of Animal Models for Human Diseases, National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition
Developer Osamu Suzuki
Depositor Osamu Suzuki
Conditions of distribution Collaboration with the depositor only. It's necessary to obtain depositor's consent on use of biological resources. contact us
Animal Health Report
Strain description

Knockout mice of cathepsin K, a type of lysosomal protease. Guide RNAs were set at two locations in the coding region of the Ctsk gene, and the first half of the coding sequence was deleted by genome editing. This strain is expected to be used as a model for pulmonary fibrosis and osteosclerotic diseases.

Resource information
Cryopreserved sperm In-house Genotype
From other institutions Genotype
Cryopreserved embryo In-house Mating System
From other institutions Mating System
Strain status / Availability Cryopreserved sperm Within 1 month
Cryopreserved embryo Within 1 month
Live animals Approx. 2 months
Gene information
Mutation types knockout
Gene symbol Ctsk
Gene name cathepsin K
Genotyping information