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Strain Detail: KLF15/B mice

Strain information
Resource No. nbio094
Strain name KLF15/B
Strain Nomenclature
Common name/Synonyms
Strain types mutant
Background strain
Institution Division of basic nutrition, National Institute of Health and Nutrition
Developer Shinji Miura
Depositor Shinji Miura
Conditions of distribution

Only for collaboration with the depositor. contact us

Animal Health Report
Strain description

KLF15/B mice are transgenic mice specifically overexpressing transcription factor KLF15 (Kruppel-like factor 15) in skeletal muscle. This strain expresses full-length cDNA encoding mouse KLF15 under the control of human α actin promoter on -2,000 bp. This strain doesn't show specific phenotype, but it's suggested that KLF15 may increase GLUT4 expression level. Thus, it's considered that this strain is available for research of lifestyle disease such as diabetes. This strain has two lines.

Resource information
Cryopreserved sperm In-house Genotype
From other institutions Genotype
Cryopreserved embryo In-house Mating System
Medium EFS40
From other institutions Mating System
Strain status / Availability Cryopreserved sperm Within 1 month
Cryopreserved embryo Within 1 month
Live animals Approx. 2 months
Gene information
Mutation types transgenic
Gene symbol Klf15
Gene name Kruppel-like factor 15
Genotyping information