HOME > mice > TNKO-kusa mice

Strain Detail: TNKO-kusa mice

Strain information
Resource No. nbio405
Strain name TNKO-kusa
Strain Nomenclature
Common name/Synonyms
Strain types mutant
Background strain
Institution Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Developer Moriaki Kusakabe
Depositor Moriaki Kusakabe
Conditions of distribution

Users shall cite references specified by the depositor when publishing research results. Users shall give an acknowledgment to the depositor when publishing the research results. Users shall obtain the consent of the depositor in advance. contact us

Animal Health Report
Strain description

Tenascin-C knockout mice. Tenascin-C is a protein whose production is induced in various tissues in relation to, i.e., malignancy and cartilage repair promotion. The strain will be helpful for studying the function of Tenascin-C function.

  1. Saga Y, Yagi T, Ikawa Y, Sakakura T, and Aizawa S. (1992) Mice develop normally without tenascin. Genes Dev 6(10):1821-31. [PMID:1383086]
  2. Matsuda A, Yoshiki A, Tagawa Y, Matsuda H, and Kusakabe M. (1999) Corneal wound healing in tenascin knockout mouse. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 40(6):1071-80. [PMID:10235540]
Resource information
Cryopreserved sperm In-house Genotype homozygous
Medium Fertiup
From other institutions Genotype
Cryopreserved embryo In-house Mating System homozygous x homozygous
Genotype homozygous
Medium EFS40
From other institutions Mating System
Strain status / Availability Cryopreserved sperm Within 1 month
Cryopreserved embryo Within 1 month
Live animals Approx. 2 months
Gene information
Mutation types knockout
Gene symbol Tnc
Gene name tenascin C
Genotyping information