HOME > mice > SUN1-mOrange mice

Strain Detail: SUN1-mOrange mice

Strain information
Resource No. nbio375
Strain name SUN1-mOrange
Strain Nomenclature
Common name/Synonyms
Strain types mutant
Background strain C57BL/6
Institution Lab. of Genome-Chromosome Functions, Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University
Developer Akira Shinohara
Depositor Akira Shinohara
Conditions of distribution Users shall give an acknowledgment to the depositor when publishing the research results. Users shall obtain the consent of the depositor in advance. contact us
Animal Health Report
Strain description

Rosa26-knock-in mice systemically expressing a fusion gene of the SUN1 and mOrange, driven by CAG promoter. SUN1 is one of the component proteins of the LINC complex (Linker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton), which is associated with both the inner and outer membranes of the nucleus. By using this mouse, the behavior of SUN1 can be observed by fluorescence. This strain is useful for the study of nuclear membrane dynamics.

Resource information
Cryopreserved sperm In-house Genotype
From other institutions Genotype
Cryopreserved embryo In-house Mating System
From other institutions Mating System
Strain status / Availability Cryopreserved sperm
Cryopreserved embryo
Live animals Only live mice are available (Approx. 2 months).
Gene information
Mutation types knock-in
Gene symbol Sun1, mOrange
Gene name Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 1, mOrange
Genotyping information