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Strain Detail: SIK3-KO mice

Strain information
Resource No. nbio157
Strain name SIK3-KO
Strain Nomenclature
Common name/Synonyms
Strain types mutant
Background strain
Institution National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition (NIBIOHN)
Developer Hiroshi Takemori
Depositor Hiroshi Takemori
Conditions of distribution Academic use only. A copy of e-form_1v3.doc with applicant information will be disclosed to the original depositor. In publishing the research results obtained by use of the animal resource, a citation of the following literature (Refs. 1, 2) designated by the depositor is requested. contact us
Animal Health Report
Strain description

SIK3-KO mice are knockout mice of SIK3, a protein kinase which belong to AMP dependent protein kinase (AMPK) family. Salt Inducible Kinase (SIK) is isolated from adrenal gland of rat fed high salt containing food as a factor about control of aldosterone synthesis. It has three isoforms, SIK1, SIK2, SIK3. This strain is available for research of carbohydrate or liqid metabolism. In future, we are going to start to supply SIK3-KO mice in KK-Ay background. Incidentally, it's possible to supplySIK2-KO mice (nbio071).

Outline of SIK3-KO mice
  1. Uebi T, Itoh Y, Hatano O, Kumagai A, Sanosaka M, Sasaki T, Sasagawa S, Doi J, Tatsumi K, Mitamura K, Morii M, Aozasa K, Kawamura T, Okumura M, Nakae J, Takikawa H, Fukusato T, Koura M, Nish M, Hamsten A, Silveira A, Bertorello AM, Kitagawa K, Nagaoka Y, Kawahara H, Tomonaga T, Naka T, Ikegawa S, Tsumaki N, Matsuda J, Takemori H. Involvement of SIK3 in glucose and lipid homeostasis in mice. PLoS ONE (2012) 7 e37803. [PMID: 22662228]
  2. Sasagawa S, Takemori H, Uebi T, Ikegami D, Hiramatsu K, Ikegawa S, Yoshikawa H, Tsumaki N. SIK3 is essential for chondrocyte hypertrophy during skeletal development in mice. Development (2012) 139: 1153-63. [PMID: 22318228]
Resource information
Cryopreserved sperm In-house Genotype
From other institutions Genotype
Cryopreserved embryo In-house Mating System
Medium EFS40
From other institutions Mating System
Strain status / Availability Cryopreserved sperm Within 1 month
Cryopreserved embryo Within 1 month
Live animals Approx. 2 months
Gene information
Mutation types knockout
Gene symbol Sik3
Gene name Salt Inducible Kinase 3
Genotyping information Genotyping PCR for SIK3KO mice in pdf file format.